Error Number | Error Message |
110000 |
Audit Program is created successfully. |
110002 |
Audit Program is voided successfully. |
110004 |
Auditee is created successfully. |
110010 |
Unauthorized user to Activate or Deactivate. User must have ATE_MANAGE (Auditee Manage) right to edit. |
110012 |
Unauthorized user to Edit. User must have ATE_MANAGE (Auditee Manage) right to edit. |
110014 |
Ownership task must be defined in the Audit Program Team. |
110016 |
Audit Program End Date must be greater than or equal to Audit Program Start Date. |
110018 |
Planned Audit Start Date must be between Audit Program Start and End Date. |
110020 |
Planned Audit End Date must be between Audit Program Start and End Date. |
110022 |
Planned Audit End Date must be greater than or equal to Planned Audit Start Date. |
110024 |
Audit Program Owner must be defined and defined only once. |
110026 |
Audit Program Review task must be defined if Audit Program Review is required. |
110028 |
At least one Audit Program Approval task must be defined if Audit Program Approval is required. |
110030 |
At least one Planned Audit must have the Planning Complete set to Yes. |
110032 |
Finding Review task must be defined and defined only once if Finding review is required. |
110034 |
At least one Finding Approval task must be defined if Finding Approval is required. |
110038 |
Auditee is Active. |
110040 |
Auditee is not Active. |
110042 |
Lead Auditor must be defined and defined only once. |
110046 |
Audit Completion Review task must be defined and defined only once. |
110048 |
To void, at least one Planned Audit must have the Mark to Void checkbox selected. |
110050 |
At least one Criteria Section is required. |
110052 |
Criteria Owner must be defined and defined only once. |
110054 |
At least one Criteria Approval task must be defined if Approval is required. |
110058 |
Year must be a 4-digit numeric value. |
110060 |
Program Start Date cannot be less than today's date. |
110062 |
Program End Date cannot be less than today's date. |
110064 |
Criteria Owner is required. |
110068 |
The database field {0} does not exist in the Audit Program History or its child table(s). Please contact your System Administrator to verify the field from the Entity Designer. |
110070 |
Source Entity is invalid in the Audit Program Approval History mapping. Please contact your System Administrator to verify the mapping from the Workflow Designer. |
110072 |
Target Entity is invalid in the Audit Program Approval History mapping. Please contact your System Administrator to verify the mapping from the Workflow Designer. |
110074 |
Criteria is created successfully. |
110076 |
Criteria is voided successfully. |
110078 |
Due Date Extension Approval has to be completedAudit Program Reviewer must be defined and defined only once. |
110082 |
Planned Audit Start Date must be greater than or equal to Audit Program Start Date. |
110084 |
Planned Audit Start Date must be less than or equal to Audit Program End Date. |
110086 |
Criteria is expired successfully. |
110088 |
Planned Audit End Date must be greater than or equal to Audit Program Start Date. |
110090 |
Planned Audit End Date must be less than or equal to Audit Program End Date. |
110092 |
At least one Planned Audit is required. |
110094 |
Retention Period must be greater than 0. |
110096 |
Advance Notice must be greater than or equal to 0. |
110098 |
Tolerance must be greater than or equal to 0. |
110100 |
Follow-up By Date cannot be less than today's date. |
110102 |
Audit Program Closure must be defined and defined only once. |
110104 |
Invalid format. E-mail must be in the format |
110108 |
Audit Program is closed successfully. |
110110 |
Risk Factor cannot be less than 0. |
110112 |
Criteria is made current successfully. |
110114 |
Criteria is copied successfully. |
110116 |
Criteria is revised successfully. |
110118 |
Response is closed successfully. |
110120 |
An Audit Program cannot be voided if there are Planned Audits with a status of INPROCESS or CLOSED. |
110122 |
Auditee already exists. |
110124 |
Completion Date cannot be greater than today's dateA problem was encountered while importing Criteria. {0} is not an XML file. Please select an XML file to continue. |
110126 |
A problem was encountered while importing Criteria. The selected {0} does not match the Criteria data structure. Please follow the data structure provided in the example template. |
110128 |
Error Importing Criteria {0}.A problem was encountered while importing Criteria with {0}. |
110130 |
Error Exporting Criteria. A problem was encountered while exporting Criteria. Invalid Record ID. |
110132 |
Calendar Invite for the Confirmed Audit is sent successfully. |
110134 |
Completion Reviewer must be defined and defined only once. |
110136 |
Effectiveness Reviewer must be defined and defined only once. |
110138 |
Audit Program is copied successfully. |
110140 |
Audit is created successfully. |
110142 |
Finding Response must be greater than or equal to 0. |
110144 |
Verify Audit Completion task cannot be signed-off if the Manage External CAPA task is not yet completed. |
110146 |
Action Plan Implementation Due Date must be less than or equal to Response Due Date. |
110148 |
Action Plan Implementation Due Date must be greater than or equal to today's date. |
110150 |
At least one Finding Approval task must be defined if Finding Approval is required. |
110152 |
Audit is re-opened successfully. |
110154 |
At least one Note/Finding for the Section must be defined if Note is required. |
110156 |
At least one Note/Finding for the Question/Topic must be defined if Note is required. |
110158 |
Audit is closed successfully. |
110160 |
Actual End Date must be greater than or equal to Actual Start Date. |
110162 |
Effectiveness Review Due Date cannot be less than today's date. |
110164 |
Response workflow is initiated successfully. |
110166 |
At least one Action Plan must be set to Yes or Skipped. |
110168 |
Effectiveness Review Interval must be greater than or equal to 0. |
110170 |
Response Due Date must be greater than or equal to today's date. |
110172 |
At least one Verification Decision should be Acceptable or Not Acceptable. |
110174 |
Phase is reopened successfully. |
110176 |
Audit is voided successfully. |
110178 |
An Audit already exists for this Planned Audit. |
110180 |
Response Workflow is started. |